The Grants Pass City Council has finally decided to get out of the cheap compost and wood waste disposal business and save about $200,000 a year. Our sewage solids will be trucked to Dry Creek Landfill to become methane and make electricity. The Jo Gro property will be leased to Republic Waste Services, where they will continue under that name, accepting wood waste and yard waste and making compost with the latter, but it will be without bio-solids or city subsidy, at prices Republic chooses. This means that the City will also not be picking up bagged leaves for free this year. It is unlikely that Republic will either, since they have to compete with Southern Oregon Compost, which certainly doesn’t pick stuff up for free.
Since the
City will not be picking up leaves for free, this gardener will be not be
either, but I will pick up loads for $1 per bag, 40 lbs or less, to use on my
customers’ properties for weed control.
But I’d really rather that you use them on your own property to keep the
weeds down.
make superior mulch for weed control because the top layers dry out quickly,
and do not make a good seed bed until they become compost or worm
castings. Worms love leaves for food,
and they and the soil are sheltered by them from freezing, drying, wind, and
rain. Two inches can stop most small
plants and small seeds. More can stop
bigger plants and seeds. But bulbs and
established perennials will generally work their way through several inches of
A foot of
leaves will decompose more quickly when covered with an inch of compost, and
allow vegetable seeds that are sprinkled or poked into the compost to grow into
huge plants.
There are
no leaves in this area that are not good for mulch. The ones that people question, oak, pine and
black walnut, are the best for weed control.
Oak and
pine are said to be too acid, but they are not acid themselves; they just take
a full year to decompose. Shade and
summer watering cause acid soil by leaching away calcium; evaporation brings
calcium back to the surface. These
leaves shade the soil longer than most other leaves. But when they are piled deep, the worms eat
them and sweeten the soil with their castings, resulting in good soil.
leaves, especially black walnut, are said to be herbicidal and kill
plants. But they are actually a pre-emergent
herbicide that stops any seed smaller than a nut from coming up. Starts and established plants are not
affected. Black walnut leaves are
quickly eaten by worms and are generally gone by the end of spring, except for
their long petioles. But their
pre-emergent effect sticks around all season.
To sprout seeds on black walnut soil, lay down an inch of compost and
sprinkle them on. To sprout larger
seeds, spread another inch of compost on top of them.
9/20/2013 Published
in News-You-Can-Use-by-Rycke.blogspot.com,
and GardenGrantsPass.blogspot.com.
Join Garden Grants
Pass in free gardening classes at
Greenwood and Schroeder Dog Parks; contact
Rycke Brown, Natural Gardener 541-955-9040 rycke@gardener.com
is easy, if you do it naturally.
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