Monday, November 8, 2021

Tokay Heights has a dump in the middle--Open email

To: the Josephine County Board of Commissioners 

     Grants Pass City Council, Mayor and City Manager

Honorable Public Servants,

As I walked the NE ward of Grants Pass in late October, placing water rate reform leaflets at doors of residences along NE Tokay Heights, I came upon a residential dump.  

This is not just some random abandoned property, trashed by those who seek shelter on it; it appears to be a business dump for the owner of 701 NE Tokay Heights, General Property Group LLC.  It is .99 acre of garbage and wood trash left in dump-truck-size piles and mixed into the dirt.  Two little houses on that property are falling apart among the trash piles.

It is along a stretch of gravel road between the two paved and developed ends of NE Tokay Heights.  At the Northwest end of that gravel, at the top of NE Elida, there are no signs regarding trespassing.  At the Southwest end, at the top of NE A Street and just below other residences on Tokay Heights, there is a no trespassing/private property sign.  But one does not have to trespass to see it is a dump from either end.  

It exists in a heart-shaped two-property cutout on that edge of the city, outside the city limits.  The owner of the neighboring cut-out property tries to keep trespassers off it when he sees them.

Sincerely yours,



  1. What exactly are you hoping to accomplish with this?
    Giving the commissioners another opportunity to throw someone off their land rather than step up to help solve the issue.


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